Page 77 - chs-2002
P. 77

Sophomores ... Need We Say More?

            Being the class of 2004, we have learned that there always seems to be 4 ver ion  of a story: the way thing  could be,
      the way they should be, the way we want them to be, and the way they really are.
            Even the story of our lives seems to follow this pattern. Through good times and bad, joys and disappointment , there
      are always a 11umber of ways to express what has happened in our lives.  There are many things that could have been, there
      are ways things should have been, there are certainly ways we'd like things to be, and, in the end, there are always the way
      things really are.
            /11  most cases, one version of expressi11g our lives is seemingly differeltt from a11other version. However, the class of
      2004 all agree 011  o11e ver ion of our high school  live  : we SHOULD be,  we  WANT to be, and we ARE the class of 2004.
      Though  we are Sophomores,  we have already accomplished so much and there is eve11  more to come.  On the "ladder of
      life," everyone must begin at the bottom ... and everyone will eventually climb to the top.
            As we go through our lives and look back on our high school year , most will look back on what they have, or have
      not, accomplished, and reminiss about what they could have been, the way things should have been, the way they wanted
      them to be, or the way they really were ... but each member of the class of2004 will look back knowing that their clas  wa  all
      that it could possibly be. Remembering all the good times that we have shared together will replace the mistakes, disappoint-
      ments, trials and tribulations that high school  tudent  so often face.
                                                                                    --Adrea Pitman

                                                                                Above:  elena  We  tberry,  ecretary;  Tra'vi
                                                                                Rus  ell,  Trea  urer;  Alaina  Blair,  Pre  ident;
                                                                                Fadreina Jean,  ice  Pre  ident.

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