Page 84 - chs-2002
P. 84
hri tine Glenn
manda ood
Ju tin Go
Jan Gott chalk
Jeremy Gott ·chalk
Denton Green
ara Greene
Laquita Griffin
Terry Griffith
ollin Grime
Lee Habern
Eli Hacker
Miranda Hall
ody Hallberg
Donald Ham
Above: Knowing all the right an wer brings a mile to Laquita Griffin's
face. Keeping an organized notebook and paying attention in eta s are
urekey to ucce .
Right: Three' a ompany. Tan ita Luca , Missy cippio, and Arlena Coker
are best of fnend . Having the arne eta es, lunches, and friend make
the e gtrl very happy to be at H .
80 ophomore