Page 87 - chs-2002
P. 87

Left:  oncentrating  on  their  teacher'  lecture,
                                                                                 ophomore  find  out that aking  note  i  key  to
                                                                                pa  ing te  t  .

                                                                                Left Below: Roderick  Bett  found a funny  note
                                                                                in  hi  book  and  hared  hi   mile  with  other
                                                                                hardworking  tudent  .

                                                                                       rocodile  hunter  beware!  Meli  a
                                                                                 i trunk plan  to  ha  e a lot  of fun  a  a  tudent
                                                                                 mba  ador to Au  tralia.
                                                                               Left:  Even  though  the  ign  ay  "turn  left,"
                                                                                ophomore  know that keeping  traight will pay
                                                                               off in the end.

                                                                                                     ophomore  83
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92