Page 92 - chs-2002
P. 92
tephen Ra el
Je ica Reed
Adam Reeve
Wendy Reeve
Denni Regi ter
Travi Regi ter
Bruce Rentz
Elizabeth Rhoden
herri Rice
Je ica Richard
Kacy Riley
Dianna Robert
William Robert
Cheryl Robin on
Raquel Rodriguez
El a Romack
Randal Romero
Aimee Ronsonet
Bet y Ro enfeld
Earne t Rowe
Right: The cafeteria
hardy an ideal tudy
area. Anxiou to
hare her knowledge,
Haley Drake give
David Carrao orne
tips on how to be an
honor tudent.
Right: More smile mean more fun for a ie Jone , Tami Lapham , and
Elizabeth Alii on. Le on learned at chool include having a good time
with friends.
88 ophomore