Page 100 - chs-2003
P. 100
Right: Sophomore girls. Jewel Markham, Abigail Crow,
Brooke Mcintyre. and Tori Quillen know how to \tack their
class· s napkin .
Below: Chri. tine Mose\, Ashley Owen\, Bnttany
peakman, and Dorrie Sloan know what needs to be done
to paint their kit backdrops. even if it means gettmg
covered in paint!
Patrick Pollard
Jerzy Polmerski
Eugenia Ponell
Katrina Po\vell
Catherine Pueschel
Fredrick Pugh
Brandi Quarle
Victoria Quillen
1adison Race
Lisa Reagin
Katrina Reed
Lauren Regi ter
1indy Regi ter
Shawn Register
Jordan Reynolds
Jus tin Re)' nolds
David Rhodes
Jonathan Rhodes
96, ophomore