Page 95 - chs-2003
P. 95
Left: Bridgett Beasley and Shauna O'Steen know how to dress like
classy Sophmores.
Below: Alexis Howell, Chnstine Moses, and Becky Carswell study
hard in Mrs. Cox's class. These Sophmores love to show off their
class color.
ndrea Jones
hanel Jones
Joshua Jones
1atthe\\ Jones
Jordan Br)an
Ju tin Jo}e
Anh\an Julks
armen Kam
Peter Kamback
Valerie Keaton
Brooke Keller
hristina Keller
Larr) Kel C)
amantha Kimler
Holt) King
tephanie King
Melissa Kinger}
1ichael Kirkman
91 , ophomore