Page 478 - chs-2003
P. 478
joy Tiffany Tjernberg
From the lillie pest bothering Todd and me to a beautiful young woman,
where do I begin' II seems as though aJI of the years between us have finaJiy
closed You truly are my best friend. (You have to be .. you /mow too much!)
Thank you for being everything that you are. I cou/dn 't ask far a be tier lillie
sisferl From rubbing lotion on my huge be/Jy to just banging out or being
there for me, /bank you. Thank you for loving Sara the way that you do. I
watch the two of you and know that she wi/J always have you in her life. I am
so excited for you and your future. I know /bat you're going to succeed You
are a wonderful person, stay tru6 to yourself
We love you,
jenny, Todd, and Sara
We are both so proud of you. We hope that whatever your future may bring,
you always choose the right path to follow and may you always be our 'Joy. "
Mom and Dad
474, Joy Tjernberg