Page 483 - chs-2003
P. 483
Antjuan Camiel rollin' in a new Escalade from Hopkins!
Lrsha, Willre,
Willie & Allishq
Congratulatrons,!JOU drd rt. / thank god for allowing !JOU
/am ver9 proud of !jOu . /just to be there for me. Our
want !JOU to know that /love relatronshrp rn not
!JOU and /will alwa!Js be here peaches and cream, but
for !JOU. Just remember to ever!} bme something seems
keep God frrst in all that !JOU to go wrong, rt onl9 means
do because through hrm !JOU that somethrng even greater
can do all thrngs. you wrll rs about to take place./
alwa9s be m!J love. reall9 do enjo!} the love we
Love Ya, share and /wouldn't trade rt
Wrllre for an9thrng. /love !jOu .