Page 68 - chs-2003
P. 68
manda dams
Elizabeth llison
'\telanie lvarado
tephenie lvarado
Jackie Arkin on
Jacqueline rkinson
Takesha rmstrong
Jessica yers
ndre\~ Barrington
ody Barrs
ara Barryhill
amuel Beaty
0\\ayne Bedenbaugh
Brandon Beil
ndrea Bell
T1 be a Junior.. ..... .
To be a Junior i. to find out what chool i
really all about.... Te ting i a huge reality and Left." It's tough be1ng
stronger than most of
makjng plan for college and future trajning i the Seniors," says
Junior, Doug Peeler.
very dependent on the grades made this year. .. it
i. the beginning of the end of a long road to
ucce s. Being a Junior i not quite the top but
omewhere above the middle. Old friendships
grow tronger, new friend hips begin to
bios om. Junior are excited, looking forward
to the E lOR year and imagining what it will
be like to get that very special piece of paper on
Graduation night. The junior year i al o very
tre ful. It mean committing to grade , te t ,
future plan and fun .... Homecoming, float
building, po ter partie&, fir t dates, Prom,
Valentine from . meone pecial, ... o what is
left? A time to find out who we are and what
we really want out of life ... thi i the year that
give our clas it' character, for good or for bad.
We get to how our elve off when we put on
the be t Prom ever. ... we will jump through the
hoops and we will land on our feet.... Rock on
LA OF2004
64, Junior