Page 73 - chs-2003
P. 73
Br:~-ant Cre~s
Katelyn Crow
Matthew Cummings
Ashelee Dahlbeck
-" Patrina Dailey
hann Dampier
aomi Daniels
Lorie Degrange
llison Demott
Japera Den on
Richard Deubler
Heather Deneese
shle:~- Dicks
Johnny Dicks
Kile:~- Dicks
llison Douglass
hannon Dm~d
Hale:~- Drake
leah Duren
Left: tudent ouncll Y1ce Abmc: Take. ha
Prc'>Jdent. Fadricna Jean. rm-.trong. Karcece Bell,
g1>e\ a pccch during the and Bnan Wiggms lea\e
"Men in Black" cia-,, early to be first in the
pcprally.Fadriena has lunch line. Growing Juniors
enjoyed \Hlri--ing with her need the1r food.
good friend Erica Mayo.
tudent ouncll Prc!>ldcnt,
picture at her nght.
Junior, 69