Page 94 - chs-2003
P. 94

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         Sophmore class president, Sam Osbourne, stands
          proudly in front of the first place float that he de-
         signed. Good work Sophomores!

                              Kyle Hubert
                           Meagan Huffman
                              Brad Hunter
                             Gregor  H)'de
                           Dieudonne llunga
                             Elosia Jarquin

                             Ebony Jenkins
                           Franklin Jenkins
                             Jacob Jenkins
                            Valerie Jenkins
                            Mindy Jennings
                              Terrell Jerr)'

                            Donald John  on
                              Lois John  on
                           Richard Johnson
                              eth John  on
                           Brittany John  ton
                          Elizabeth Johnston

          90,  ophomore
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99