Page 176 - chs-2004
P. 176
lcn:dith Burl age liJ...e., 10 ha\e tun. but tal.. e., thmg.., -.enou\1) on game da). a-. \he bo\\ 1, fo
1crcdith. one of the top bo\\ler.., on the team. tini,hed the 'cason \\lth one of the be-.t scor
Lady Tiger
''strike'' out
The b w ling team i till undefeated.
Thi season, the Lady Tigers
bowling team, led by oach Larry
Joye. enjoyed multiple wins
against both uwannee and Fort
White High chools. They also
won again. t Forest High chool.
The team members with the top
eight averages at the end of the
Abme: he'..,ded.edoutin season went to the district tourna-
tiger ear... and ready to earn ment in Ocala, where they placed
a high 'core: Dalita Diu De
rcc -.eem.., to be ... ati..,fied fifth overall. The member'> who
'' ith her performance a<, competed in Ocala were Amber
he \\all,., a\\a} from the Dupree, manda Hall, Meredith - ,__ - - .
lane to take a 4uick break
Burlage. Kayla Brill, Hillary Lee,
belilre it'., her tum to bowl
Stephanie Canipe, Lauren I&
Cappelli, and Heather Dewey.
The bowling team was formed in
1997. by Coach Joye, and has en-
joyed much success in it. 6 year
run, with a record of 69-0-1. The
other member~ of the team are:
Angela Medina, Lynn Douglas,
icole Da is. Leah tephens.
Gabby Diaz de rce, Dalita Diat
Abo,e: tephanie Canipe
ho"' uppon for her home de Arce, lly lien, Renee Bates,
team. looking on a'> Ally Becky Carswell, Kate Laycock,
Allen \leps up to take her
Brandi Quarles, Karla Pippins,
turn in a match again t
U\\annee High. and mily Silcox.
Abo\c; Grrrrm! Ka) Ia Bnll.l.ynn Dougla.,, and Karla P1ppm.., practice their mtimidation -.kilt... before a big game
One loot.. at those face., and the wmpetltion \\ill be .., 111 their bowling .,hoc ....
172, Bowling