Page 179 - chs-2004
P. 179
Varsity Cheerleaders
Below: Katelyn Crow, Laurie Little, Dorrie Sloan, and
Kiley Dtcks flash a quick smtle at the Luau in Panama City
where the girls attended camp.
Left: Thanks to Sam Osborne's hard work, the girls are
able to dazzel the crowd with awesome run-through
New Uniforms, ew
Attitude, New Look
Being a cheerleader con i t
of much more than hort kirt and a
big smile. It involve many grueling
day of hard work. Both phy ical and
mental tr ngth are required.
Phy ical tr ngth i need d to
perform tho e aw orne tunt .
Mental trength aid in facing a
problem and getting through it. A
common characteri tic of a
cheerleader i the willingne to
help. A quad unit by upporting
ach other and becoming friend .
You come together not only a
acquaintance , but al o almo t like
i ter .
All of the characteri tic can
be found in each member ofthi
quad. Through th ir hard work they
ha e achi v d many goal , and
friend hip that willla t a lifetime.
-Kiley Dick , aptain
Above:The "Senior" cheerleaders pose in pink before getting to work.
Varsity Cheerleaders, 175