Page 233 - chs-2004
P. 233

Left: CH  faculty  members raised funds to buy
                                                      Le\ i McFatter\ pig and then got together to enjoy
                                                      a delicious bar-b-que.

                                                      The Columbia  ounty Fair  wa  at the Fairground  during the
                                                      week of October 2  , 2003 through  ovember 3, 2003. There
                                                      were many ride  to enjoy and many  how  to  ee. During thi
                                                      week many  tudent  at CHS worked very hard  hawing their
                                                       wine or  teer project. Everyone came out with a very good price
                                                      per pound at the auction. The  e were one of the highe  t price
                                                      ever per pound.

                                                bove:  Brother  Levi and  Travi  McFatter   Above:  Dwayne Pearce check
                                              enjoy being together at home and  chool while   on  hi  teer, before he  i  taken to
                                              being in  FFA.                            the market trailer.

                              bO\e:  olumbia High  chool  tudent · participated in the 2003  Fair.  Front row (left to  right):
                             Ryan  orri  •  hlcy Geiger. Channah  iccnzi.  pril  oil. Je  ica  ameron, Je  ica Richard  .
                             Kyle Robinson, Kiley Dick .• Tori Jenkin  .  econd ro\\:  Mr.  Kirby (  pon ·or). Travi  McFatt  r.
                             Levi  McFatter. Jcnna Moates.  hane Moatc  . Kyla  Boatright, Dwayne Pearce. Third row:  ody
                             Barr  ,  ric Park,  he ·Icy Gay. Jeremy Park.
                                                                                                        Fair, 229
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