Page 238 - chs-2004
P. 238
The CH drumhne i. a ke) asset to the CH
Band. The student at C H enJOY the drumltne
at all the maJOr events uch as the bonfire,
football games, and pep rallys. \\'hen the
drumltnc fires up, the student body goes crazy.
Everyone dances, but do people really appreciate
the drum line effort ·?They pracuce almost e,·ery
da} m order to prepare for compeuuons and
halftim show . The e tudent \\Ork \Cry hard
and they desene to be recogmzed Dame I Webb
i. the leader of the drum line and he does a great
job of getting all theu activities together. The
drumlinc is al o showcased at our mini-pep
rallys m the Common . These boy and g1rls
are a\\esome and they kno'" ho'" to make tho. e
beat .
By Haley Drake
R1ght: The H drumlinc docs a showca e
dunng the halfhme hO\\ They were featured
during this shO\\ and the hccrlcadcrs and
Tigerettes danced to the1r beats.
Abo,e: Jo h Ayer and Robert onnell march
into their fonnation to begin the halftime hO\\.
Abo\e Right: M1ke Farrell, Dan1el Webb, and
Chri Williams begin the1r show. They love to
play the purcus ion instruments.
Right: The CH drumline marche in the
Homecommg parade \\llh the CH Band. They
walked down the treets playing the1r drum .
234 , Drum Line