Page 251 - chs-2004
P. 251


                                                  To Keep

                                                 Our Cool!                     bove:  Putting together the  chool
                                                                              Literary  magazine i  a lot of hard
                                  may not be the most                         work. Editor  Je  ica Morgan and Co-
                athletic person, but being editor of the sports               Editor Kri  ten  Mehl  have worked hard
                scct1on gives her quite a workout.                            to en  ure that  PRI  T  wa  a  uccess
                                            There are  very  few  program  at  H
                                            that require a  I 00,000 budget,  major
                                            deadline  ,  creaming and  yelling, and
                                             TRE       that   i ·   beyond
                                            belief...  omehow  though  it  still  gets
                                            done and  when everything is  finished
                                            there  is  the  mo  t  incredible  sen  e  of
                                            accompli  hment and pride.   monthly
                                            influential new  paper, a thoughtful and
                                            arti  tic literary magazine, and the BIG
                                            and  BEA  TIF  L yearbook .... it  i  o
                                            special and wonderful to  ec the excite-
                                            ment and enthu  iasm that piece · of pa-
                                            per and photos can bring to Journalism
                Above:  Bu  ines  Editor Katclyn
                                             tudent  . It i  a great pleasure to pre  cnt   Above: Being Feature  editor mean
                Crow was respon  ilbe for   one  more  wonderful  yearbook  to  the   long hour  and a lot of work, but
                keeping all of the money for the
                                             tudent  of  H  . You might thrO\\ your   Haley Drake had everything under
                yearbook in order.
                                            Math notebook away, tra  h your hi tory   control.
                                            note  but  we  promi  e you ... thi  year-
                                            book will alway  be with you.
                                            A  pecial  thank  to  the  hard  working
                                            and dedicated editor  . They will alway
                                            be friend  . Thank  to the folks who got
                                            the paper  , remembered to fill it up with
                                            a lot  of ice,  the  one  who  miled  and
                                            laughed and had a good time.  It was a
                                            great ridc ... never forget the fun in Room
                                            10. It R  ALLY wa  worth it!
                                                                                    !though they have the title of
                                                                              enior ad editor   aomi  Daniel  and
                                                                             Ta  ha  Killgore have done many thing  to
                  bovc:  Editor-in-Chcif  drea                               make the yearbook great.
                 Pitman devoted a lot of time to
                 making the yearbook a  ucccs  .
                                                 Right: Talk about multi-ta  king,
                                                 Patrica Dyal  wa  bu  incss editor of
                                                 the new  paper and a  cni  r ad
                                                 Left:  fter three year · a
                                                 ne\  spapcr  editor Lauren  appelli
                                                 i · a pro, but everyone can  usc a
                                                 helping hand. Alii  on  Buie add
                                                 her input to the Tiger Talc.

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