Page 252 - chs-2004
P. 252

Power Of The Pen!

                You  know journali  m i  your life when ... You know your job number better than you know your
         home number.  You fight over who get  the be  t computer.  The journali  m phone rings and it'  for you.
         The journali  m room become  your  econd home.  You  tart  aving your file  every ten second  .  You tr
         to find oth  r way  to word your  entence  to a  oid u  ing the  erb "to be".  You wake up in the middle of
         the night with new theme idea  .  "I wa  injournali  m' i  your  tandard tardy excu  . You will not take a
         picture if people are po  in g.  You know better than to say  omething i  impo  sible because you '11  have to
         find a way to do it anyway.  You're always looking for a grea  pencil.

                                                      Left:  weetheart Lauren  appelli
                                                     and II earth rob Zac Radke.
                                                     Right: You make a lot of good
                                                     friend  while working on the
                                                     yearbook. Bridget Bea  ley and
                                                       hley Owen  know that teamwork
                                                     i · the  be  t way to  get thing  done.
                                                     Below:  r .  arter help  Jordan
                                                      trick land correct here  ay ...
                                                     that wa  due a week ago!

                                      Left:  lways willing to help
                                      out Bruce Rentz spent alot of
                                      time smilimg for the camera.

                                      Right: Trying toe  cape from
                                      the madness of Journalism,
                                       arah Murrell take  a walk
                                      down the hall.
                                                                                               Above:  "Would you  like to  bu
                                                                                               an ad?" Rene Bate  know  the
                                                                                               importance of  elling ads.

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