Page 389 - chs-2004
P. 389

.J-l[{ison ~icfie[[e (]Juie

                                               rrlian{you for 6eing sudi a wond'etju[
                                             daueliter and sister wlio  lias  6rouelit  so
                                             mucli joy to our fami{y.  We liave watched
                                             you  grow  and mature  into  a  6eautifu[
                                             young fatfy and we are so proud!
                                              We Urve you,  6e{l£Ve in you,  and ey;pect
                                             wondetju[ tliings from you as your Cife's
                                            journey  continues.  'l(eep  fooR.jng  to  qod
                                            for  direction  and {now  tliat  we  wi[[
                                             a[ ways 6e liere for you.
                                                                 LO'IJe a[ways,
                                                           'Jvlom, (])ad, and rr'rey

                                                                                                  Allison  Buie  385
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