Page 390 - chs-2004
P. 390


                                                        Dear Chakoa,
                                                              Congratulations as we together
                                                        celebrate another s1gn1ficant hfe achievement.
                                                        We are very proud of you for your
                                                        accomplishments and contributions to our hves.
                                                        It has been a Joyful and  lovmg expcnence . en mg
                                                        as your parents and contnbuung to your grow1h
                                                        mto a beaullful young lady.  It  ecrru; 11  was only
                                                        yesterday that we noun shed you from our arms
                                                        But now the hme IS here that you must take on
                                                        new life chaJlenges wtth  love, respect,
                                                        compassiOn, and  Wlth Chnstian sp1nt  You have
                                                        brought much JOY and cherished mernonc  mto
                                                        our lives.  Our w1  hIS that your future WJII  be
                                                        filled Wlth many bnght and pos1111 e moments
                                                        that w1ll  contmue to make us proud parents.  We
                                                        will always love you and you w1ll always be our
                                                        daughter.  We w1ll  contmue to prov1de you our
                                                        support and love.
                                                              "We love you Ko-Ko!l"
                                                               Mom, Dad, and E.J

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