Page 68 - chs-2004
P. 68
It i a fact univer ally known that fl r mo t, but al o a tepping tone
e\ery high chool graduate mu t into the world of chools, people, "GE G
pa s through the junior year; the and place · beyond. one look
time between being an under- back on junior year, it can be aid
appreciated undercla man and a to be the be t and wor t of time , ~EAD~ ,.~
en ationali7ed , enior. HO\'vever, it but alway · a vivid memory.
i al o during th1 year that many pecial Thanks to Mrs.
tudent have finally adju ted to Tonita Orr for her support and LEAD ,.tiE
high chool life, ju t a they are pon oring of the Junior Cia and
planning to lea\·e it. A junior the Prom.
continue climbing to the top of the By: Cal in WA~!'
chool o ial totem pole, they will
e perience a flip again a oon as
they enter college and the far-
reaching world beyond olumbia
High chool' walls. Junior year
additionally prepare tudent for
becoming a enior and leaving
chool to make their mark on the
world. It doe this by offering
many oppurtunitie and chance for
growth. Many junior choo e to
take AP le'vel cia es, uch a
ngli ·h Language with Mr . Ellis
or ovemment with M .Oden.
Thi mean that junior year i not
bo\e· Katie Landnth, hca Chnstam and
only a continuation of high chool
Cra1g Brock dress old-school for "blast from
the past" day.
R1ght:Jcss1c Dockery, Laura Little, Dome loan. ' hauna Osteen. and Holly Kmg an:
enJoying thc1r bus ride. They are on the1r \~ay to cheer on the football team.
64, Juniors