Page 70 - chs-2004
P. 70
Right: alerieJenning , Donald
John on, Eloi a Jarquin, Je ica Parker
and Brittany Tucker, Jennifer Rodger
how cia pirit during a pep rally.
Winning the pirit tick i alway a
morale bo ter.
"Our lime we had here, went by /at~l-
Below:Junior cheerleaders and
Tigerette pr pare for the football
game on the long bu rid down to Our lime we had here) did nol 6eem lo fa6l-
Land 0' Lake .
Our lime we had here) wa6 a hfa6t/"
Darla Bossuyt
Latoya Boswell
Above: Heather Dewey and Renee Alvin Bradley
Bate hare their bowling ecert to C1era Bradley
ophomore Emily ilcox.
Darrell Branham
Michael Bre\~er
Daniel Bnckert
BenJamm Bright
Above: Mrs. Elli 'AP Engli h
tudent work hard together to fini h Ke\Jn Brill
Matthew Brinkley
their cia work. Brandy Broadley
raig Brock
66, Juniors