Page 147 - chs-2005
P. 147
An Unforgettable Season
The 2004 olumbia High chool football ea on was one that tarted with
adver ity. After the first regular ea on football game the hired football
coach re igned as as i tant coach Frank Bea ley became the interim head coach
for the remainder of the ·ea on. The coache continually told the team how they
were placed in a bad situation and not to let it ruin the cason and to tay
together and overcome the affliction. Although the Tiger ended with a 7-4
record they kept the playoff streak alive. The fir t heartbreaking lo s came with
clo e town rival uwannee 14-6. Then the next week the Tiger faced Buchholz
and when it wa over olumbia came away with a 2 -9 victory. Columbia then
went on to win their next three game defeating Land 0' Lake , lay, and
Orlando Jone . In a quickne the four game winning streak wa halted when the
Tiger took a tough lo to the Madi on County owboy 22-0. The Tiger had
during the U\\annec game. to bounce back in a hurry becau e the next game \vould be the mo t important
game of the sea on when the Tiger were to face a inc ville High in their fir t
district game. During the week in practice the coache encouraged the team to
come together and get the win becau e that would en ure a pot in the playoff .
The players really wanted the win and that' exactly what they did coming out
with a 17-12 victory and keeping the playoff streak going trong. The Tiger'
next opponent would be inner county rivals the Fort White Indian ; olumbia
won thi game 49-21. The next game wa another di trict game again t Ea t ide,
the Tiger ended up falling in a nail biting game 7-6. The Ia t game of the
regular ea on wa Columbia' only hut out again t orth Marion which greatly
increa ed the team' confidence going in to the fir t playoff game again t
powerhouse football team Lincoln. The Tiger put up a tremendou fight again t
a great team in horrible weather condition but unfortunately the Tiger · fell
hort 22-l 0 ending a unique but hectic sea on. Coach Frank Bea ley and hi
staff did a wonderful job a interim head coach and next year the Tiger will
welcome back Danny Green a head coach.
- enior I bert Coker #23
Above. Garrethon arter 1ces his knee after a hard fought game
against Stmannnee.
Left: enior Dec lllunga shows h1s excitement
after an awe orne tackle. He k.nO\\., hO\\
to get the crowd into the game.
ar ity Football, 143