Page 203 - chs-2005
P. 203
"Healthy Occupations Student of America"
HOSA's goal was to make a difference throughout our
school and the community. Donating blood, community
service, and supporting youth programs are only a few of
the many things that HOSA takes part in. The students
encourage everyone eligible to donate blood and stay
drug and alcohol free. HOSA participates in many
community activities such as the March of Dimes
(diabetes), Alzheimers Association, Relay For Life
(cancer), Operation Shoebox: Soldiers, and canned food
drives. Students also volunteer at the local hospitals and
extended care facilities. This year students planned
activities ranging from the National HOSA Week to the
"Bone Zone" presentation with second graders. The
students interacted with gerontology studies and even
volunteered to sell purple bears for the Alzheimers
Association and also participated in their annual
"Memory Walk." Hosa members participate in Regional,
State, and National Leadership conferences. They either
compete in a competitive event or assist in running an
event. By attending these conferences the students have
an opportunity to meet students from our region and all
over the state.
Fir tRow L toR: There a La tinger (Activitie Chairper on), tephanie King, raig Brock (Hi to-
rian), Je ie Piccioni (VP), andy Duke (Pre ident). econd Row: Je ica Ma ter , Brittany
John ton, Jamie Daniel , Danielle Planty, Eugenia Powell, harita McCa kill. Third Row: ja h
Patel, Amanda Baker, Heather a h, Danielle B ille, Kier t n Reiter (Parliamentarian), li a Ring.
Fourth Row: icole Roger , Alicia Tompkin , Jaki Oliver, Tiffany Richard on, eha ull y, Randi
ull y, Jenna Wat en. ot Pictured-- Sharita Me a kill ( cr tary), Jacqu line li er (Tr a urer).