Page 204 - chs-2005
P. 204
French Club is de igned to educate tudent about the language
and culture of France. French Club helped the children in the
Parent United Together Festival in October. They also
decorated a ection of Highway 441 with ribbons to stress
their commitment to taying away from drugs. The French
club participated in the annual Chri tma Party by leading
Christina carol and having members dress up as Beauty
and the Beast and pongebob squarepant and various cartoon
Front Row L to R: Tiffany Thrift, Jennifer John , ue-Wei Luu, A hley La eigne,
tephanie Kelley, Andrew Bullard, Lamar Lyou , Jamie ipp. econd Row: Emily
ilcox, amantha Cooper, atherine ummer , hristina William , Andrea Calloway,
Courtney Davi , Ray Bohannon, Ian Fritz.Third Row: UJa h Patel, hri ten Jone ,
Titina Gist, Elizabeth Gi t, ean Smith, Destiny Jackson, Sam Osborne, Mel is a
Car on. Fourth Row: Mr . Wise, Carla Lui o, Danielle Hunter, Jamie Williams,
. . . . . . .
Chelsea Blair, arah tephens, Chesley Gay, Amanda Frampton, Kiersten Reiter, .
Lynette Dougla . ot Pictured: Daryl Peter en
200, French Club