Page 246 - chs-2005
P. 246

A,. All ,.liE ~E .... ..,~---~

         "The flag team add  a lot of e  tra pizazz to
         the  olurnbia High Band'  Performance  "
                         -Jennifer Ring

         Above:  Jessica  Practices  her  "Quads"  before  a  b1g
         competition  at  Inverness,  Fl.
         Right:  'v1any  hour~ were  spent  at  Hopeful  Baptist
          hurch  for  last  ummer's  Band  camp.

         Right: The Columbia  H1gh  chool  Color Gaurd  i.  headed
         by  emor  Karla  Pipms,  along  with  Whitney  Dupree.
         Melissa Capa. so and Je  . 1ca  tanton. The Flag Core'  main
         purpo e i.  to pro\ 1de flare to the band's shows with an array
         of color.  and  styli:tic  dancing.  Their  poncor this  year  is
         'v1rs.  usan  Adkms.

         Below· Km1  Burnham, Katherine  ummcr, Bradley
         0  bourne,  Mary  Doonan,  Jessica  tanton,  Josh  wam
         and  Tiffany  take  time  to  smile  for  the  camera,  well
         maybe  not  Jo>h!
                                                                                                 Right:  'v1ehssa  apasso  shows
                                                                                                 plenty  of showmanship  wile
                                                                                                 keepmg  lime  w1th  Jason  Rosenfield

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