Page 335 - chs-2005
P. 335
Whitney Leigh-Ann DuPree
We tire SO proud of you.
As you e""ter the ~t
chnpter t"" your Ltft, we
l.tJok forwnrd to wntchtl'tfj
you grow t/11-to the
EenuttfuL, Ctlril'tfj, n/11-d
Pnssto/l!.tlte wome"" thnt
you nre. you wtu brtl'tfj so
m.uch Love n/11-d hope to nLL
those who your pnth
crosses. 1 nm. so gtnd thnt
1 hnve hnd this priviLege
n/11-d ho/ltOr to ben pnrt of
your Ltft. ALwnys trnveL
the rond to htrppt/11-tSS n/11-d
stny true to yourseLf. we
Lt;ve you so m.uch, n/11-d nre
sn/11-dt, Derek,
Co/11-ty, § Entity