Page 337 - chs-2005
P. 337
It do sn't seem po ible you are already graduating from
lligh School. Jt seem like only yesterday I "'atcbed you
wal~ into the kindergarten center. We are all 'el") proud
oftbe )Oun man )OU ha"·e gro\\n into, tbe choice )OU
ha'e made, the friend you have cbo en, and the moral
and bcUef you hold in your heart. Your ~en e of honor
and laughter al,.ay eem to ma~e e\CI")thiog better
"hen things are going "roog. You ha.e de\Cioped into
uch a IC\elbeaded and troog \\illcd young mao "ith
more qualities than I can mention. We hale no doubt you
\till achle\t all )OU seek out in )OUr Hfe" journe)'.
Always follow your dream, and nenr let anybody or
anything tand in your ""Y· Ju t remember that you
nta) be a man DO\t but )·ou \till ahta)S be our .. Hooey'".
\\'e lo"e )Ou!!
Dad, \1om, Cory, Angie,
Gnndpa and Grandma Beeb
Grandmother Ford and Grandma Lillian