Page 483 - chs-2005
P. 483
C.o\umbia High ~Ghoot a\ong ~ith La~e'(
C.ommunit'( C.o\\ege, has Greatea the dua\
enro\\ment program to benefit students. This
program gives students the opportunit'( to earn
Go\\ege Greaits ~hi\e sti\\ in high sGhoo\.
P..pproY.imate\'f vo students are partiGipating in the
program this '(tar. To be in the program, students
must have a '3.0 &.l'P.. and the appropriate C.l'T
sGore. ~ome benefits of the program are: tuition
and boo~s are fru, G\asses are Gha\\enging, and
dasses prepare students for Go\\ege \ife. ~ome
students ma'( even graduate from Go\\ege ~hen the'(
graduate from high sGhoo\.
Above: In the Nurs1ng building, many students learn
the basics of the field. The Nursing program is one of
the most popular programs at Lake City Community
Above: The LCCC library is a place where students can go
and work in silence. Students can do research, read their
favonte book, or chill out between classes.
Above: The Performing Arts Center 1s a place where students can
show their talents Many different performances take place here
throughout the year.
R1ght: On this rainy day, many students choose to stay inside
instead of conversing outs1de. Building Two 1s the English building
where many CHS students take their Freshman Composition 1 class.