Page 488 - chs-2005
P. 488


                                   ich bin ein


                aus Deutschland!

                                  My name i   onja, I'm  17 year  old an
                                  I'm an exchange  tudent from Germany.
                                                                 Left  top  corner:  Lydia  Ballance,  Ashton
                                  I came to America on July 27, 2004. A
                                                                 Ballance  and  Sonja  chick  icc  skatmg  in
                                  couple  day  later  I  started  going  to  Tennessee
                                  Columbia High like every other  tudent.   Right  top  corner:   onJa  chick  with  the
                                  The fir  t couple week  were  ery hard   family  dog  "1\.iolly"
                                  for  me.  I didn't under  tand the people   eem  to  be.  German  are  maybe
          Die  e  Jahr i  t etwa   very  well  and  I mi  ed  my home  very   more interested in the world, but in
          ganz be  andere  fuer   bad.  ven if! had a few problem  at the   my opinion, people in America care
                                  beginning  I enjoyed  being  here  more   much  more  for  their  family  and
           mich  geworden.  E     and more while the time went by.  I got a   friend  and even people they don't
         war eine  wundervolles   lot of  upport from my ho  t family and I   know.  I think that the relation  hip
                                  learned to  peak and under  tand english   between parent  and their children
           neue  Erlebni  . Ich   better  every  day.  I  tarted  playing   i  much more inten  ive. I al  o think
           hatte das  Glueck in   Volleyball  in  the Columbia High Girl   that American  parent  are  ticter
                                  Varsity Volleyball team, where l met many   with their children. One reason for
            eine  wunderbare      new girl  . The girls were  intere  ted  in   thi  could be the different law  . In
         Familie  aufgenommen     me and made thi  time  omething  pecial   Germany, people have to  be  18  to
                                  for  me.  I  tarted  making  friend  and   make their driver'  licen  e, but they
           zu  werden  und die
                                  feeling  much  more comfortable  in  my   ju t ha  e to be 16 to be able to drink
             amerikani  che       new home.                       beer and  to  get  into  club  .  When
                                    ow,  that  I've  been  here  for  over six   they tum 18 they are totally of age.
          Leben  art kennen  zu
                                  month  ,  I  already  tart  looking  back,   The  food  is  not  that  different.  In
                 lernen.          becau  e  I ju ·t  have  four  more  months   my opinion,  the German  still  eat
                                  left before I will go back to Germany. Of   healthier  than  the  people  in
                                  cour e,  merica i  much different from   America,  but  the  people  in   and  the American  do  it  cxa  tl
                                  Germany  and  I  don't ju  t  mean  the   ermany are  tarting to get the bad   other way.
                                  language.  People  behave  and  think   eating  habit  and  you  can  find   Thank  to  my ho  t family,  esp~:ct
                                  different, the food i  different and even   McDonald's, Burger King and KF   to  my ho  t  parent  Janet and  I-.
                                  the  chool  sy  tern  i  different.   all over the country. Another thing   Ballance.  AI  o  thanks to  my  In~
                                   People in Germany are more intere  ted   i  that the Germans eat more pork  and my teachers for making this)
                                   in the world than people in America   than  beef           pecial.

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