Page 82 - chs-2005
P. 82
Winning students show caring
Above: Junior Jorden Be tland won fir t place for the eleventh and Above: enior Rebah olomon won second place for the eleventh and
t\velfth grade divi ion in The American Legion Au illary E ay Contest. twelfth grade divi ion in The American Legion Auxiliary E ay
onte t.
Dear Soldier,
Each and e ery day you go out and fight for our country. You repre ent the nited tate of America- the land of
th free- o the citizen of America can live in a afe environment with their family and friend . I admire your courage,
bravery. and belief in making America and the world a a fer place.
With the help of your fellow oldier , you are li ing proof that with bravery and courage one can ucceed in
changing a iol nt and grief tricken plac . Ju t like the veteran ofWorld War II, the Vietnam, Korean, and Per ian Gulf
War , you wer willing tori k your life and put your life on hold forth public afety.
A are ult of your bravery and going over ea , you have aved the live of many women and children living in the
Middle a t. Ju t your pre ence in these countrie mean the citizen are afe, e pecially women and children. ow,
women and children are able to live a normal life. hildren are able to go to school and now have more opportunity in life.
chool no have all the ingredient for a good education: electricity, heat, teacher , and mo t of all, tudent . You have
helped orne of the women of the Middle Ea t ote for the very fir t time. It i amazing to ee the face of tho e who oted
for the fir t time. o one took it for granted with people walking for miles, and when they were done holding up their purple
finger with pride. Thi could have never happened if you were not there.
I know how hard it mu t have been to ay goodbye to tho e you loved. It take a lot of courage to be able to leave
everything you have at home and go into a ho tile environment where other like you, fellow soldier , your friend , your
family, and your comrades have lo t their live . Ju t like tho e invading ormandy in World War II and Vietnam, you don't
even know if today will be your Ia t. You don't even know how long you will be gone from your family and friend at home,
yet you ha e made the acrifice for your country.
1 admire your trength, courage, ability, willingne , and bravery to erve for your country. Not all would be able to
gi e up what you have. ne day, l hope to live my life with as much bravery and courage a you have. 1 hope to be an
un elfi hindi idual, willing tori k my life and well b ing to erve my country- the United tate of America. I tand up and
ay the PI dge of Allegiance and have a moment of ilence in remembrance of the oldier who lo t their live and the afety
of the oldier in Iraq and the Middle Ea t who fight for my afety. Thank you for making merica a afer place.
Jorden Be tland