Page 83 - chs-2005
P. 83

through patriotic letters

      Above:  Fre  hman Dallas Garri  on won  fir  t place in the ninth and   Above:  ophomore Erica Bale  won  econd  place for the ninth  and
      tenth grade divi ion for the American Legion  Auxiliary E  ay   tenth grade divi ion  for The American Legion Auxiliary   ay  onte  t.
      Conte  t.

           Dear  oldier,

           No matter who you are, where you are, or what you are doing, I  upport you. Every e  ening when the daylight
            uccumbs to the darkne  , look up to the moon, a  I will look up to the moon, and maybe you' 11  fl  el clo  er to
           home,ju  t maybe. Your loneline  i  heart felt, your courage i  the honor of our nation, and we're all proud of you
           for what you are doing. Year  from now, your  on or grand  on will open a hi  tory book, and hi  teacher \viii
           de  cribe to him the greatne  of all the men and women who fought for our freedom, and you\\ ill be among them,
           imbedded in the  oul and  oil of our nation alike. Becau  e of you, future generation  of children will be able to
           enjoy freedom without having to worry about terrori  t  or tyrant  . The; v ill be able to exp  rience a world without
           religiou  and cultural  egregation, without racial or  ocial inju  tice. Today, we are beginning to  ee a little light
           through the darkne  becau  e of you and other  like you. Becau  e of people like you there i  hope, there i  a
           chance, even if  it  an unlikely chance, that maybe one day (for example) Mu  lim  and Chri  tian  may live peacefully
           with each other, in  tead of oppo  ite of each other.  ven if the tv.o don't alway  agree, maybe th  y'll be able to find
           a common ground. Becau  e of the sacrifice of you and other  oldier  , kid  growing up in the world oftomorrow
           may grow up in a world that i n 't divided by difference  in gov  mment agenda, but by th  imaginary line  on a
           globe or a map, and that'  all. God created diver  ity, if he wanted u  to all be alike h  would have made u  that
           way, and because of your effort  , hopefully,  omeday we '11 all be able to embrace that. You rna; be thinking," Thi
           kid mu  t be crazy ifhe think  I'm accompli  hing all that he  ay  I am," but really I'm not. Do you think the  oldier
           during The American Revolution had even the  lighte ·t idea of what their  acrifice  would eventually become? I bet
           those men went to war thinking of only defending their country and fighting for their cau  e, and that'  what th  ) did
           and that'  what your doing. It'  not the Rockefeller  or the J.P. Morgan  that made thi  country great, it'  the little
           namele  people I ike you who were willing to give everything for the  ak  of th  ir country. It i  not wealth or power
           that America derive  it  greatne  from, it'  the heart of it  people. The facti  that we will  tand and fight fon\hat'
           right, no matter how bleak the  ituation may  eem. The fact that peopl  like you who are willing to  acrifice
           everything for the benefit of the one  you lo  e and the one  like me that you don't even know, fl  r protecting
           country, my freedom, and me 1 thank you.

                                                                             Dalla  Garri  on.

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