Page 309 - chs-2006
P. 309
Wow! 'Jfas it realTy 6een 17 yean?
'1 8utSS tfu say1118S true "'T'ime sure jfils wfien
you're liavfnefon!" '1t just sums ll ye teraay you were this
~ stTi:mtJ {jttfi 8ir( who refoJ to wtar Shlr'U aruf Covuf to yfay m the mutf.
What e rcsyecn"B oirlyfayea With dOffs? Your 6rotfiers 'T'onta 'T'ruc'-s
arul a (ittfe water arul you were m 'Jfoo '}{eaven.
?.fot ?t(ot lias clia"Bu{ ince then.. the truc'-s are a CittG! farner
as welT as are tfu mua ;nu{Jks
Gut at G!ast you dO wear shirts now!!
You have rna u alf very yroud: You have orown mto a
6eautifo[ you"B aau(t,
with a wcmdlifuC yenonaCiry. Your can-dO attitw.k
arul never fat( yhikJsoyhy wilT tate you far in Cife.
Stay yositive, ?.fever fose s'8ht of wfio YOU are arul
never frt anyone telT you that
you can't achilve anythi"tJ aruf tvtrythi"tJ that you WISh for!!
'Mom, 'Dat(
'1fana &' Paya