Page 313 - chs-2006
P. 313
Summer Brooke Parrish
"Little urn,"
To the la~t of Mom & Dad's Magnificent seven to graduate. Just know we are
very proud of you & love you more than you know. tay on the path you are on
and you will go far.
Mom & Dad
, evcnteen year chfferen..:e -.eemed like a whole
bfenmc when you arn\·ed. But it's been a lot of fun
"ratsing" a younger stsrer. Fmm us reachmg you the
middle finger gesture rn you tutoring the hoy> in
Math, you've been everyone\ first "baby". You're Brattina,
What else ts there to say?
rhc coolest 'oister, -.hnpping partner, gosstp,
You arc the one!
conftdant, and fnend I could ha\·c ever wt:,hed for.
Words cannot expre. how proud of you we are. We have
Love You, watched you go from diaper> to dre ses, from a spoiled
Dehhie "BB" lmle gtrl to a beautiful young woman. Always remember:
no matter what triab or tnbulatums that ltfe may bring
your way, with fatth in God the love, upport & backbone
of your family, all you have to do j, spread your wings and
WiliforJ, rake a leap of faith. You can accomplish anythmg! Let
Way to go, good there never be boundane you feel you can't conquer!
luck!! "Go Get Em Kid"
Love ya, Ltwe ah\ay ,
Buhha, T and the Wtld Bro..ld
Btg Joe & an
ummer Brooke,
I know that very rarely do we see eye to eye hut I
am so very proud of you my little istcr. You have
grown from that adorable "I'm a boy and can do
anythmg boys can do better." Look and attitude to
rhc graceful beautiful, mrellegcnr young woman
you are today. Keep your fatth 111 God and your
family first mall you do and you can, and will
accomplt h anythmg you dectde to do.
By the way you proved it you can do anythmg and
do it better!
Summer Sydney, Love ya,
I .un very prnud of you an,! all your accomplishments Amanda, TJ, Doodlebug Buckshot.
111 !tie. And f,>r ah,,tys following Y<>U dreams and 111)
P . rhc huck ".It my st;mJ!
Love your Buhhy T-[),nvg
Go< d luck, We love you KeiSha & Thomas
Congratulation . We arc so pn you and all
of your .Kcnmplt-.hmcnts. You have pro\·en
\\h,ncvcr )\lit set your mmd to ynu can ,lchtcvc.
Go<>J luck m .til vour future endeavors. a 0 ~
Love }l 1 lot ,
Jnl 1 lt,t
0 You're ynung, intelltgent and spoiled rotten ro the core
rhar\ fnr sure! Be t of Best wtshes for a Wlmdcrful
Summer, prnspcrous future! Keep your wheel on the road and out
ongratulations, may all of nf the tree.! I'm so proud of you! Best of luck! Lots of
your dream' come true. (ll\'e.
Lm·e You, hetb