Page 308 - chs-2008
P. 308

Sarali )Zlnn Wethington

                                          Our precious Citt{e princess lias 6ecome a 6eautiful you11{J woman.
                                         Wliere lias tlie time gone? £if& a tliief in tlie niglit,  time lias taf&n
                                         our 6a6y aruf returned an adu[t.  WordS seem so inadequate rig/it

                                         now. }ls tears stream down we want you to tliat tliere wi[[
                                         never 6e anyone more proud of you tlian  e are.  ou liave proven to
                                         6e a woru!eifu[ Cliristian, aruf we liow liard it is to wa[k_.tlie
                                         wa[~ Gut you fouruf tlie st e11f]tli in Clirist to do just tliat. Wlien you
                                         put your miruf to  sometlii11fJ you want, you go get it. We are
                                         e~reme[y proud of tlie per.  n you are.  PCease,  don't ever [o  e siglit of

                                         Jesus,  6ecause it is 6y J{is fig/it tliat you wi[[ a[ways firu! your way.
                                         Never give up aruf never give in. We  fove you so very mucli lioney!!!
                                e;l  ad

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