Page 313 - chs-2008
P. 313
mary Beth)
VIe thank God everyday for choosing us as your
parents. It has been a joy W'atching you mature into
such a beautiful young W'oman. That smile melts our
hearts. You have al'w'ays had a strong faith and high
standards that have kept you focused and grounded.
Your passion for teaching W'ill be an inspiration to the
lives of your future students. Remember to keep God
first in every decision you make. VIe love you more
than W'ords can express.
-Dad and mom
It's hard to believe that my little sister is graduating
high schooL You've become such a beautiful and
smart young W'omanJ and W'e're so proud of you.
Al'w'ays keep God your first priority) your best friend)
and your #1 source of advice and kno'w'ledge and
you'll never go W'rong. VIe knoW' you'll be a great
Love you al'w'aysJ
Katie and Philip