Page 439 - chs-2009
P. 439
TIGER WOODS won his th1rd u s. Open
t1tle at Torrey Pmes. outlast1ng Rocco
Mediate on the 19' hole of a play-off. BILL
GATES. Microsoft's chairman and largest
shareholder. marked the unoffic1al end of
h1s career. "ret1rmg" to spend more time
guiding h1s chantable foundat1on NASA's
space shuttle Discovery landed safely 1n
Florida after del1venng a new Japanese
laboratory to the International Space Stat1on.
NEW ORLEANS RAPPER ~----~--~----
LIL WAYNE grew his fan
base w1th free songs. then
sold more than a mill1on
copies of "Tha Carter Ill"
in a week. the first album
s1nce 2005 to do so.
caused by severe storms
that dropped nearly a
foot of ra1n from Iowa
to M1chigan and lnd1ana
displaced thousands and
left at least e1ght dead.
made Coach Pat
Summit's Lady Vols the
NCAA champions for a
second consecutive year:
Candace Parker won back-
to-back MVP honors.
OBAMA'S NOMINATION made history when on june 3 2008 Barack
Obama finally had what he needed- more than 2.118 delegates- to clinch the DemocratiC
nomination and become the first African-American with a viable chance of winning the Un1ted
States presidency. Obama. an Illinois senator in office less than four years. and New York senator
and former First Lady Hillary Clinton had campaigned from coast to coast for months for the right
to face Republican John McCain in the Nov. 4 general elect1on
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