Page 442 - chs-2009
P. 442

VENUS WILLIAMS defeated  sister Serena  to
                                              wm  her  fifth  Wimbledon  s1ngles  t1tle. The  pa1r
                                              beat L1sa  Raymond  of the  U.S. and  Samantha

                                                                 THE JONAS BROTHERS  had
                                                                 a busy summer w1th  the
                                                                 release  of both  the album
                                                                 "A L1ttle  B 1t  Longer"
                                                                 and  their D1sney  movie
                                                                 "Camp  Rock"  plus  a 46-
                                                                 show tour.

                                                                 JULY WILDFIRES
                                                                 threatened  property
                                                                 across Californ1a  as
                                                                 firefighters  1n  the
                                                                 Sacramento and  B1g  Sur
                                                                 areas  battled  flames  1n
                                                                 100-degree weather

                                                                 TAYLOR SWIFT was  the
                                                                 b1ggest  selling art1st  of
                                                                 2008.  sell1ng  more  than
                                                                 four mill1on  albums.
                                                                 She  also  performed  w1th
                                                                 Def  Leppard  1n  a CMT
                                                                 "Crossroads"  ep1sode.
                                                                                    MORE BABIES JOined  the  family of Brad
                                                                                    Pitt and  Angelina Jolie  1n July when  twms
                                                                                    Knox  Leon  and  Vivienne  Marchelme were
                                                                                    born  1n  France.  In  add1t1on  to  their  family
                                                                                    responsibilities  and  chantable work. the  pair
                                                                                    had  a productive year careerw1se  w1th  both
                                                                                    "Changel1ng"  and  "The Cunous  Case  of
                                                                                    Benjam1n  Button"  rece1v1ng  box  office and
                                                                                    cntical  accla1m

                                                   RUSSIA BOMBS

  llilldlililllllllllllllllllllllllllill llllllllllililillltlllill lltlllllllllllillltliltlllilllill lltlllll•ltllllll  1111111  I Iii illllltlllilllil ill  II II ill  lltlllllllllllllllilllllllllllillllltllllollll illlllllll
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