Page 449 - chs-2009
P. 449

                         EVER  was  d1scovered  1n  Ch1na  th1s  year.
                      Paleontologists  announced  1n  December that
                        more  than  7.600  fossils. 1ncludmg a skull
                         measuring two  meters. were  uncovered.
                 HILLARY CLINTON. once
                   h1s  opponent  for  the
                 pres1dent1al  nommat1on.
                   was  later selected  by
                   Pres1dent-elect  Barack
                    Obama  to  serve  as
                     Secretary of State.
                   F-18 CRASHES INTO A
                  NEIGHBORHOOD  m San
                    D1ego  en  route  to  a
                 nearby  Marine  base  after
                  a tram1ng exercise: the
                    accident killed  three
                  res1dents  of one  home.
                     ROD BLAGOJEVICH.
                 governor of lllino1s.  was
                 charged  with  corrupt1on
                after consp1nng  to  obtain
                  personal  gain  in  filling
                 Obama's vacated  seat  1n
                          the  Senate.
                     COLDPLAY'S CHRIS
                     MARTIN. who was
                 accused  of plagiarism  by
                gu1tanst Joe  Satnani. won
                three Grammys.  mcluding
                    Song of the  Year  for
                       "Viva  Ia  Vida."

                                                            RIOTS BREAK OUT  N ATHENS AFTER A
                                                             GREEK LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER
                                                            SHOOTS A TEE  ~GER FOR THROWI  G
                                                                     STONES A~ DOUCE                    THE WHITE f10USE A 0 L S
                                                                                                        CONGRESS AGREE 0 A
                                                       THE REPUBLIC OF                                  PROPOSAL FOR AU S 15
                                                       IRELA  0 RECALLS ALL                             BILLIO  BAILOUT PACKAGE
                                                       IRISH PORK PRODUCTS                              FOR THREE MAJOR U.S
                                                       AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF                           AUTOMAKERS.
                                                       :ON'AMINA~ED FODDER
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