Page 445 - chs-2009
P. 445

NINTENDO Wll FIT allowed  mlll1ons  of
                            users  to  do VIrtual  yoga. strength  tra1n1ng.
                             aerobics  and  balance  games. U.S. TROOPS
                            rema1ned  1n  Iraq  after  more  than  five  years
                               at war 1n  the  M1ddle  East.  but combat
                           casualties  were  down  s1gn1ficantly  and  only  iiii•••- ~
                             four coalition  countries'  troops  remained.
                            Fewer than  150.000 U.S ..  U.K..  Australian

           TWILIGHT. the  first in
           a series  of romantic/
         vampire  fantasy  novels.
        exceeded  expectations at
        the  box  office.  promptmg
         immediate discuss1on  of
          additional  adaptations.
       WIND FARMS contmued  to
        spring  up  at a record  pace
           1n  2008 as  Amencans
           sought cost-effective
        sources  for zero-emiSSIOn
         power.  Texas. Iowa  and
        Californ1a  led  product1on.
             GUITAR HERD AND
          ROCK BAND cont1nued
           the1r  battle  for VIrtual
        mus1c1ans:  w1th  4 mlll1on
            un1ts  sold  (to Gu1tar
         Hero's  23  million).  Rock
        Band  mcluded  drummers.

                                              GOVERNMENT BAILOUTS were  back in  the  news  for the  first t1me
                                               since  the terrorist attacks of 9/ II  crippled the already-ailing airline  industry.  Beginning with a $30
                                              million assist in  the  March  acquisition  of financial  giant Bear Stearns  by J P Morgan  Chase.  a senes
                                                  of federal  aid  bills aimed  at preventing collapses  of myriad  finance  and  investment business
                                               were  signed  into effect.  In  October.  President George  Bush  signed  a $700  billion  financial  bailout
                                                  package which  would  allow the  government to start buying up troubled  assets  from  financ1al
                                                                                institutions caught in  the  home foreclosure epidem1c.

                                                                                         DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL  OMI  EE
                                                                                         BARACK OBAMA RAISED S 150 MILUO  I
                                                                                         SEPTEMBER. SETIING A RECORD FOR THE
                                                                                         MOST RAISED I 0 E MO  ~H

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