Page 75 - chs-2010
P. 75
OneGO Jat a time
Every new season always he would never miss a game. had to forfeit all of our games
Bottom Picture: Junior Brittany has something different in About a week later we found because of an issue with one
Stnckland takes a touch on the ball to
store for us. New uniforms, a out the rest of the story. Our of our player's paperwork. It
gain control and send it up the field.
new district, or a new coach parents told us that since he seemed like everything was
were some of the biggest was from England, he had to going against us, and it didn't
changes we've come across. have a visa. There was a prob- seem fair. Even though you
This year we were in for a lem with it and he had to be think it would, we didn't let it
huge surprise. Senior Night deported. We felt so bad for get to us. We held our heads
is one of the most important him. Then it hit all of us that high going into districts, and
games of our season. Every- we no longer had our bubbly stayed strong until the end.
one came to the game and coach with his soccer knowl- Our whole hearts were put
warmed up as usual until our edge and cool accent. Luck- into this unforgettable sea-
assistant coach, Ashley Brown, ily Coach Ashley was here to son, and it will remain in our
told us some shocking news; take over. memories forever.
Coach Keith wasn't com- Then, to make our entire -ShelbyWidergren (12)
ing to the game. This was so situation worse than it already
confusing because we know was, we were told that we
Top Picture: CHS Tigers take to the field.
Left Picture: Moment of reflection prior
to game lock-off.