Page 79 - chs-2010
P. 79

Not  ingb                                et

      Bottom Picture: Senior Sharmayne
      Edwards looks up the court to check
      out the opponents' defense.     Basketball is a well loved   getting hurt. She overcame   to work with others, handle be-
                                  sport and has been for many   that obstacle by staying iced   ing under pressure and in the
                                  years.  Sharmayne Edwards, a   everyday, taking the necessary   spotlight, and also having good
                                  senior varsity basketball player   medicine, and not over-doing   grades. Being on the basketball
                                  says, "basketball is an intense,   anything at practice.   team really helped Sharmayne
                                  fast pace, tiring sport."  Winning   Sharmayne believes basket-  to keep her grades up because
                                  is exciting  - not only for the   ball has left a big mark on her   if she didn't, she wouldn't be
                                  players, but also for the Tiger   life and made her think about   able to play.
                                  fans in the bleachers. Everyone   playing pros. There is always   Coach Reynolds and Coach
                                  handles the game intensity dif-  someone in the pro league that   Jefferson have done a lot of
                                  ferently. She prepares for her   a player wants to be like or   preparation this year to help get
                                  games by listening to music and  idolizes and Sharmayne idolizes   the girls ready for the games.
                                  cracking jokes with friends.   Kobe Bryant. She wants to "play   They have helped lead the girls
                                     Players have different things   ball 'till she falls", just like him.   to many victories this year and
                                  on their mind during the game.   Some of the players went to   even though Sharmayne and
                                   "Not making mistakes, playing   the camps for basketball during   the rest of the varsity team were
                                  smart and giving it my all are all   the summer. "The camps and   upset at losing some of  their
                                  of my concerns on the court."   competing made me excited,   districts game they still played
                                     Basketball is a fun sport to   ready to play and defeat, deter-  like champions.
                                  play. Just like any other sport,   mined, and hyper."            -Ebony Harris (12)
                                  you face many obstacles. An    To play the sport you have to
                                   obstacle Sharmayne faced was   have a good attitude, be ready

                                                                                     Top Picture: Freshman Justice Campbell puts up
                                                                                     an easy lay m.

                                                                                     Left Picture: Columb1a H1gh defenders sprint
                                                                                     back to set up for defense.

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