Page 217 - chs-2011
P. 217
Seth Peterson's hidden talent is singing. He's been singing since his early child-
hood. He was one of those kids who went around the house singing. He was
inspired to sing by his dad. He enjoys singing because it puts him in a good
mood. Seth's other talents, beside singing, include pogo sticking, hopscotch,
JUmp rope, playing pmg pong, and participating in track-and-field. In his free
time, Seth is either reading hts bible or ru{lning. Seth likes to think of himself as
a Forest Gump figure, misunderstood but good at heart.
Samantha's unknown talent is photography. She has been taking
pictures since her 7th grade year, five years ago and continues in
photography because it is intriguing and is one thing she is very
passionate about. Samantha's dad inspired her to begin taking
pictures when he began photography. Aside from taking pictures,
Sdmantha is very talented in painting. She likes to take the photo-
graphs that she's taken and turns them into paintings.
!~~~~~~~i~~~~~ Kristen Pace's hidden talent is that she plays the violin. Kristen says
that she likes playing violin because it is unique and challenging.
She got started ten years ago when she randomly decided she
wanted to play violin. Kristen's favorite composer ts Vivaldi. Her
other talents tnclude ballet, which she has been doing for twelve
years. In Kristen's free time she plays a lot of X box.