Page 218 - chs-2011
P. 218

Ja  on   I on 1  ,  D.). here in I ake City. l.t  on wa  m  ptred
       to hcgm   a D.). Ia  t summer'' hen, he went to Gaine 'ville
       on h1~  1 te  nth birthda). '!here he met hi  inspiration,
       J.ued  BO\\  n  , who  bowed htm, turn table  <md  in  pired
       Ja~on to become a D }.  Ja~on sa}  being a D.}. i  fun and
       11  make  good money. Heal  o  a}  , "It'  kinda like my
       t.lling."   tde from being a D }., he play  trombone in the
       b  nd and work  on car . In hi  free he h  tens to h1  1Pod,
       get  on the wmputer, and make  rmxe

                                                          am  1artin's hidden talent i  he 1  vef)  gifted 111  Dtgttal Art and De  ign.  am
                                                          ay  1t  aptures hi  teLhmcal and creative  ide, and he can reall}  expre  hi
                                                          elf  through hi  work  He has been 111volved in D1gital Art and De  ign  ince
                                                          hi  fre  hman year. '!hat ts al  o ''hen  k.  aiman introduced  am to Digital
                                                          Art and De  ign wh1le he wa.  taking her graph1c de  ign cia   am 1  cur
                                                          rently one of the chief de 1gner  for the yearbook.  am'  other talent  111clude
                                                          pro  ra  tinatiOn and ha\ ing a lot of random knowledge

       Je  ica 1 a ) oung inspmng pamter. Je  ica  ay
        he enJoy  to pamt becau  e It 1s just  omething
       for her to do tn her free time.  he ha  been
       pamting  ince 7th grade when  he wa  111  pi red
       b)  1r.  loan, the art teacher at  Lake City
       Middle  <.hool  Je  ica'  favontc style of paint
       ing 1s df)  bru h u  mg a ·ryh  , ate hnique Mr.
        loan taught her  )e  stc.a doesn't hke to enter
       h  r .ut\'<ork in contest  . She  ay  she paint  for
       her elf, not other people.

                                                                               Di ion


                                                                    Dillon has his own band. Dillon first started playmg the guitar
                                                                    when he was in the s1xth grade, when h1s best friend started
                                                                    playing the guitar as well. They dec1ded to form a band about
                                                                    two years ago. He really enjoys musiC because it is a way for
                                                                    him to express himself in a positive manner Dillon says he
                                                                    was mspired by God to start music. Dillon also enjoys singing.
                                                                    This is what you didn't know about Dillon.

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