Page 73 - chs-2011
P. 73
Hidden Lunches
To avoid the hustle and bustle of
the lunch room, a few students
have taken to eating their lunch
elsewhere. They're the ones that
eat in a family friend's room and
ones who enjoy lunch with a
favorite teacher. It's not exactly
quiet sometimes, but there are
less people. Everyone gets a
seat, and the longest line is for
the microwave (even then there
is only about 5 students). It's a
more relaxed atmosphere and no
one gets in trouble from walking
around. The students that eat in
these "hidden lunch rooms" like
to think of themselves as doing a
good deed: the cafeteria would be
even more crowded without these
escape rooms.
Danielle Mathis (10)
There's so much that goes students think about events
on at CHS that we don't even during high school, they
realize. What do we mean think of sports and pep
by that? If you took every- rallys. But there are other
thing that happens at CHS sporting events going on ,
and put it to paper, you'd be like the Special Olympics.
surprised at how many stu- Special Olympic athelets
dents, staff and faculty are compete in a variety of
involved in clubs, sports, and activities such as basketball,
projects - of which we're not and track and field activities.
even aware. Like Academic Of the almost 1800 students
team. They regularly com- at Columbia High, we rarely
1- pete once a week during the think about what is beyond
3 WL~ e. n tW fall - and this year they're the our own "group:'These are
~O LJ I te.e.l District Champs! Then there's the little, yet big things that
Hidden lunches, little bands
come together to create
Otx:>u t C4 nd of students eating lunch in what Columbia High School
certain teachers' rooms due is all about.
t c.h u.~ecl m to the overcrowded lunch-
l'~e ~ 1 room. Generally whenever
Spread Layout by: R•ley Smothey and Shelby Harden