Page 102 - 2013 Columbian
P. 102
Front Row Leort to Right: AklriJ R1chburgh. lusllce CJmpbell. I.Jsmme Rob1n on,
Elizabeth .Jxon, Anty11.J Caldwell. 1e1r.J Vanderpool
SE'cond Row Leort to Right: MarnJe Gaskms. Ad1 ienna Young. Steph.Jnle Silva,
Lona Wilson. Pashen Williams. Coach Sheppard, Coach Tompkms
Not Pictureod: Bern1shJ CIJrk. A1 nere.Jnna B1 y.Jnt
Front Row Lert to Right: Cinnamon Dav1 . Lync Boyd, Ar hayla Bryant,
Shania Pelham. Jazman Myers Second Row Lert to Right: Coach Reynolds.
Cha'Matna Coker. Alkedria Lew1s. 'Quae Dav1s. Ashley Cordner. Krista I Sm1th.
Coach Sheppard