Page 97 - 2013 Columbian
P. 97
Fir t Row Lert to Right: Ashle1gh Bndges, Sierra Vdnderpool. Jessie Bdles.
k.elb1e Ronsonet econd Row Lert to Right: Meghdn Ydle~. Chd1l1e Wdtson,
Hanna 8dl..e1 Third Row Lert to Right: Brednnd Phillips, ldrd Courson,
Annie M1lton. Holl1anne Dohrn, Coach Golden
Courtesy Photo
JV Vo\\e~~\\ Fir t Row Lert to Right: Lacey Kmg. Ashley Shoup, Madeline Mckinzie,
Alex1s Lloyd Second Row Lert to Right: Alanis Koberlem. Makayla Baldwm
Third Row Left to Right: Haye Fullord, Jazman Myer , Grace Harry, Zoe orn ,
lemma Thompson, Kaleigh cJnder on