Page 161 - 2013 Columbian
P. 161
Interact i a er ice organization who e main goal
i to upport cau e in the community. Interact i the
high chool branch of the univer al organization of
ROTARY . Our member are tudent who have a
pa ion for helping other . You can generally find
them out in the community doing ervice project like
rebuilding damaged home or ringing Sal ation rmy
bell at hri tma time.
April Greenfield Kyle Grier Another big project that our Interact member
volunteer with i the Purple Pinkie Project. Thi event
rai e money for polio eradication. Recently, orne
member worked with Bellamy Beaver to pread
awarene in the community about pre erving local
pring . Member w nt to the Lake ity Chri tma
Parade and pa ed out "Protect the Spring "
bracelet .
erving the community al o ha it perk . Active
me m be r get to a tt en d the Lake i t Y. chapter
ROTARY luncheon. Attending th em ettng gtve
the tudent a chance to learn and mingle with
important member of the community.
"It wa ridiculously fun. I got to make nev. friend and help the fight back
again t polio. The kid I ved getting their fingers painted purple!"
Annabelle Slevin (12th)
Tyler Hall Miranda Hand