Page 164 - 2013 Columbian
P. 164
f-Iec9!th Occupc9tion~ 5:tudent~ of AmeriCd
'guild a 'getter Vou
Futur h alth profe ional that are de ign d to
pr pare tudent for their future carrier in the
m dical field.
Jacob Miller Alexander Milton
HOS Orticer ( dvt or: Mr .Brannen)
Pres1dent: Holl) Wheeler; icc Pres1dent: Jess1ca L psha\\; ecretary: Mikala Edenfield;
Treasurer: ourtne) chmm: Parliamentarian: Jonathan Pntchard: H1stonan: lcena
Field ; Sergeant at rms: Walker Johnson; Officer at Large: Jessica Dr)sdale
Howi HO A Aleena Fields ay that "I want a
going to affect your job in the medical field o HO
open the door to many college
future career? medical chool . If you aren't in
HO it's harder to get into Anna Milton Donovan Milton
tho e chools."