Page 173 - 2013 Columbian
P. 173
Art at CHS
rt i a form of expre ion and communication. Though not
everyone will appreciate a culpture or painting, there are
orne art form out there that omeone will appreciate. Art
club allow the young arti t of our choo I to meet and learn
from each other a well a their in tructor , Mr. oleman and
Mr. ordmeyer. Thi year we plan on taking a trip to
hicago to vi it art mu eum and chool to learn e en more
about art even more. There, we will ee what potential lie in
the world of art. By improving our abilitie and learning a
Brianna Butcher
much a we can about art, we will better convey our me age
to the community and to the" orld.
Tyler Byrd
Chyanne chauer (12th) created the above pixel art of a
peacock u i n g Ad o be de i g n p r o gram . La t yea r he r a r t \\ or k
wa cho en for the Congre ional Art how.