Page 176 - 2013 Columbian
P. 176

OiL  w  at, and t  ar  . Thre  word   ba  ketball and our team  tepp  d
              that de  rib  the mo  t gru  ling    up to the court with Maxv ell.
              part  f b  ing on the roboti  team;   Thank  to inno  ative
              build  ea  on. The long hour         programming and vi  ion
              r  quired to plan, build, and        proce  ing, Ma  well could  core
              program a robot tak  a lot of        point  during the autonomou
              dedication. It'  a chall  nge to     period wh  re the driver  had no
              build a fully functioning robot     control over him. When driver
              within  ix week  , but it'  a         hri  Nettle  (11th) and Bryce
              challenge the  H  Robotic  Team      Me  arthy took over the  ontrol  ,
              #3556 ha  taken on for two year      Maxwell u  ed hi  poly-cord belt
              in a r  w.   ery member could t  II   y  tern to gather ba  ketball  and
               ou that it'  all worth it on   you   an e  ten  ion arm to man  u  er
              g  t to  e  our robot in action.     aero  field  ob  tacle  . GET
              La  t  a  on'  challenge, Rebound     M  RT made it all  the way to the
              Rumble, called for a robot that      Orlando Regional Final  match.
              could play

                                                                                                   David  van

           ''I feel  hkc I can ~peak for the team\\ hen  I s.t)  seemg our team bemg chosen for the top .,ced alliance \\as one of the
           most exciting moments of In) life. The build up before it on I)  served to make the moment S\\eeter as our team had not
           placed m the top spot  due to a  erie  of unfa\orable match up.,. Our only hope then \\as to be chosen for Top 8
           alliance  o \\e could keep pia) in g. a hope \\C had almost lost \\hen It came to the final ch01ce  or the Top  teams.
           \i  hen Team  (,'Q  P.\ \1 called our team out to be a part ofthetr alhancc. \\e all \\ent \\ild  There \\as ,tn abundance of
           jumping. huggmg. and  creaming on Team 3556. Our team performed amazmgl)  m the finals and \\C achJe\ed 2nd
           place O\erall. that\ almost unheard of in  teams as )Oung as ours...  Chandler Douglas (12th)
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